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Sotomayor's Porn Trial

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McClatchy's Mike Doyle digs up Farrell v. Burke, a case from 2006 involving a sex offender who had violated his parole by purchasing porn. The salacious details, including Sotomayor reading excerpts from Scum: True Homosexual Experiences, are here. (Unfortunately for the culture warriors, she ultimately sided with the state.) Doyle also highlights this classic exchange between the sex offender's attorney and parole officer:

MR. NATHANSON: Are you saying, for example, that that condition of parole would prohibit Mr. Farrell from possessing, say, Playboy magazine?

P.O. BURKE: Yes.

MR. NATHANSON: Are you saying that that condition of parole would prohibit Mr. Farrell from possessing a photograph of Michelangelo['s] David?

P.O. BURKE: What is that?

MR. NATHANSON: Are you familiar with that sculpture?


MR. NATHANSON: If I tell you it's a large sculpture of a nude youth with his genitals exposed and visible, does that help to refresh your memory of what that is?

P.O. BURKE: If he possessed that, yes, he would be locked up for that.

Sotomayor's Porn Trial

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Sotomayor's Porn Trial

[Source: Advertising News]

Sotomayor's Porn Trial

[Source: The Daily News]

Sotomayor's Porn Trial

[Source: World News]

posted by tgazw @ 9:01 PM, ,

Kevin Spacey plans film of real-life sea captain's Somali ordeal

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The second true story of bravery battling pirates is announced in as many months, after Kevin Spacey buys the rights to Richard Phillips's story

A US sea captain whose dramatic rescue from pirates made headlines across the globe earlier this year is to be the subject of a new Hollywood film.

Richard Phillips, a 53-year-old father of two who secured the safety of his cargo ship, the Maersk Alabama, by offering himself as a hostage to Somali pirates, has sold his story to Columbia Pictures.

Phillips was held for five days off the coast of Somalia last month before US navy snipers shot dead three of the four men who had imprisoned him on a lifeboat, an action authorised by president Obama. The fourth pirate surrendered and is in custody.

The film is being co-produced by Kevin Spacey, who would appear to be an obvious candidate to play Phillips, although no casting details have yet emerged. Columbia has optioned the film rights to the captain's forthcoming memoir.

"We were drawn to this remarkable story of heroism and courage as events were unfolding off the coast of Africa," said Columbia co-president Doug Belgard.

The film based on Phillips' story will not be the only movie to be centred on pirate activities off Somalia's 2,000-mile coastline, which has become the most dangerous strip of sea in the world, with weekly attacks on European ships.

Earlier this month it was announced that Samuel L Jackson had secured the life rights to the story of Andrew Mwangura, who heads the Seafarer's Assistance Programme (SAP), a non-profit piracy monitoring group that works to release imperiled crews and vessels off the coast of Africa. Jackson is said to be interested in playing Mwangura in a forthcoming film.

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Kevin Spacey plans film of real-life sea captain's Somali ordeal

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Kevin Spacey plans film of real-life sea captain's Somali ordeal

[Source: Abc 7 News]

Kevin Spacey plans film of real-life sea captain's Somali ordeal

[Source: Murder News]

Kevin Spacey plans film of real-life sea captain's Somali ordeal

[Source: News Weekly]

posted by tgazw @ 8:23 PM, ,

Rendell Backs Specter All the Way

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Appearing on MSNBC, Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell (D) says he's backing Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA) in a possible U.S. Senate primary next year.

Said Rendell: "I'm a great admirer of Joe Sestak and worked hard to get him elected and re-elected. And I'm going to work hard to get him re-elected when he runs for Congress next year. Not for the Senate. Joe should not run for the Senate in the Democratic primary. He would get killed."

When asked what would happen if Sestak went forward with a challenge, Rendell said, "We will lose a terrific Congressman. Joe Sestak runs against Arlen Specter, he is out of the Congress after just two short terms. We will lose a terrific Congressman and when he loses to Arlen, he fades into political obscurity."

Rendell Backs Specter All the Way

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Rendell Backs Specter All the Way

[Source: Sunday News]

Rendell Backs Specter All the Way

[Source: Murder News]

Rendell Backs Specter All the Way

[Source: News Leader]

Rendell Backs Specter All the Way

[Source: News Leader]

posted by tgazw @ 7:27 PM, ,

It's So Personal, Ctd

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Another reader on the reality of abortion:

We were told that the ultrasound suggested strongly that our second child would be born, if she made Views_of_a_Foetus_in_the_Womb_detail it that far, with a Trisomy 18 birth defect. There were cysts on her fetal brain that were indicative. Her death before birth or just after was highly likely. If she survived against the odds, it was almost certain that she would suffer from severe birth defects and profound developmental delays. Her short life would be taken up with corrective surgery and pain, none of which she would be able to understand but which she would suffer. The amniocentesis would let us know for sure.

There was that time while we waited when we had to decide what we would do if the news was bad. While my wife and I believe in a right to choose, we strongly feel that life is always the first choice if possible. Even so, we could not allow our daughter to undergo this. We would terminate our pregnancy and spare her. The news came back good and Meg is 16, wonderful and on her way to a career as an artist. It's not the decision that matters; it's why it's made. It's parents stuggling through terrible choices. And their only hope and help is with the doctors. We are all struggling badly to find our way. Perhaps this is the fairest way to understand Dr. Tiller.

An earlier reader testimonial here. Illustration: Leonardo da Vinci.

It's So Personal, Ctd

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

It's So Personal, Ctd

[Source: Mexico News]

It's So Personal, Ctd

[Source: Abc 7 News]

It's So Personal, Ctd

[Source: Onion News]

It's So Personal, Ctd

[Source: News Paper]

posted by tgazw @ 5:13 PM, ,

NYT Sees 'Obama's Face' Everywhere, and is Loving it

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In another nearly orgasmic tribute to The One, in its Arts section The New York Times published a May 30 story buoyantly jubilant over the fact that Obama's face "rules the web." The story is in glee over how the Obammessiah's portrait fills the web and that some folks are even making a bit of cash off the deal.

To my mind, though, the amusing thing about the piece is that, if read closely, it appears that only schlocky Obama art can bring any sales for any serious artistic efforts are going unsold. I don?"t know what that says about Obama art aficionados, but there you have it. Obama schlock rules.

The first Obamanist cum arteeste the piece reveals to us is one Mimi Torchia Boothby of Seattle who was so inspired by The One that she painted a "contemplative, sun-splashed portrait" of Obama that she is now selling on the web. And she was excited that a whole 24 takers was dredged up.

Sadly, there is no sense of proportion about this whole phenomenon and there just is no real effort to place this phenomenon in any historical perspective. Obama is ranked with John F. Kennedy in the excitement for his portrait but, there is no sense that the Times understands that Kennedy's portrait didn't become ubiquitous until his assassination. Yes there were many portraits of him just after he got elected, but his assassination spurred that displaying of his image a lot more than his mere election. On the other hand, Obama's portrait is everywhere despite his relative lack of accomplishment as president.

There is no discussion of other presidents that enjoyed popularity in portraiture. George Washington was hugely popular for generations of Americans including those first American voters of the late 1700s. Just about every American had a portrait of Washington somewhere. Abraham Lincoln was also everywhere in his day and after and was one of the most photographed president's of his era and on into the next. Teddy Roosevelt was the people's president and found great popularity as a subject of portraits. Original images of Teddy are still easy to find on ebay or in antique stores. In his turn, Franklin Roosevelt's image became popular everywhere, as well. But does the Times talk of any of this? Nope.

Finally, one might think that a thoughtful piece on the widespread appearance of Obama's portrait might include some words of caution, some perspective, or some effort to look deeper into the matter. But, I guess that is far too introspective for the Times, sadly. No effort was made to make this piece a serious treatment of the matter.

What does it say, for instance, about people so taken by this man even though he has yet to actually achieve any major effort (shy of getting elected, no mean feat, to be sure), has not faced any significant challenge or emergency, and has yet to be proven to have succeeded in his goals?

But, let?"s not worry about reality, shall we? Unfortunately, it's all about the slavish sycophancy for The One as opposed to any serious treatment of the subject.


NYT Sees 'Obama's Face' Everywhere, and is Loving it

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

NYT Sees 'Obama's Face' Everywhere, and is Loving it

[Source: October News]

NYT Sees 'Obama's Face' Everywhere, and is Loving it

[Source: Advertising News]

NYT Sees 'Obama's Face' Everywhere, and is Loving it

[Source: Television News]

NYT Sees 'Obama's Face' Everywhere, and is Loving it

[Source: News 4]

posted by tgazw @ 4:34 PM, ,

Still Searching for a Burr Challenger

With early polling showing Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) potentially vulnerable in his re-election campaign, Democrats continue to seek "a brand name" to challenge him.

The Raleigh News & Observer says Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-NC) "is still toying with a run" and Secretary of State Elaine Marshall (D) "has lately dipped her toe in the water." In addition, a definitive "no" has not come from state Sen. Dan Blue (D) yet.

Still Searching for a Burr Challenger

[Source: Good Times Society]

posted by tgazw @ 3:22 PM, ,

Obama heading overseas

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President Obama will be traveling across the Atlantic again, and as judging by the pictures below in Germany, there?"s already a lot of enthusiasm about his trip:

Obama magazines

Obama cookies

Obama begins his trip June 3 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where he?"ll meet with King Abdullah. He travels June 4 to Cairo for meetings with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and his long-anticipated speech at Cairo University.

On June 5 Obama heads to Dresden, Germany, for talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel, a visit with wounded U.S. troops at a military hospital and a tour of the former Nazi concentration camp at Buchenwald. He closes his trip June 6 with a trip to France to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy on D-Day.

For more, see ?SObama Seeks Enhanced Engagement with the Middle East, Europe.?

Obama heading overseas

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Obama heading overseas

[Source: 11 Alive News]

Obama heading overseas

[Source: Television News]

Obama heading overseas

[Source: Online News]

Obama heading overseas

[Source: Advertising News]

posted by tgazw @ 2:51 PM, ,


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